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Green Lipped Mussels and the benefits for your dog

The anti-inflammatory benefits of green lipped mussels

Green lipped mussels work exactly the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. NSAIDs are COX inhibitors which means they prevent an enzyme (COX) from making hormone like chemicals. These chemicals ramp up the inflammation in the body. Green lipped mussels also offer the same inflammatory benefits but differ from NSAIDs in two ways.

1. NSAIDs can cause health issues because the COX enzymes protect the liver and gut lining. Inhibiting the enzymes destroys the stomach lining and can harm the liver cells. Although GLM contains the same COX enzyme it also contains LOX inhibitors which protect the stomach lining and liver from harm.

2. GLM do more than just decrease inflammation. They can help build healthier joints in your dog.

Mussels build healthy joints

Green lipped mussels are rich in glycosaminoglycans. An important GAG found in green lipped mussels is chondroitin sulfate. And this is an important supplement for dogs with arthritis pain. Your dog’s joints are enclosed in a capsule. This capsule is like a water balloon, and it changes in pressure to help your dog’s joints absorb shock. This protects the joints from war and tear.

Chondroitin strengthens your dog’s joint capsules, and this allows them to hold more water. More water means more shock absorption leading to less wear and tear on the joints. Plus, research shows green lipped mussels keep delivering these joint health benefits even a full month after you stop giving them to your dog. In saying that GLM can take a little longer to work in your dog compared to NSAIDs.

NSAIDs destroy joint cartilage. This articular cartilage is important as it gives extra shock absorbing cushion to the ends of long bones. It also nourishes the joint and the joint capsule. If the articular cartilage becomes damaged, you’ll see the classic signs of arthritis instead of nice smooth bony ends, they’ll become jagged. These jagged ends can do even more damage to the joint and it becomes an endless cycle of pain and inflammation. Unlike NSAIDs, green lipped mussels build healthy cartilage.

Fatty acids are important for your dog

Fatty acids are key the green lipped mussel’s anti-inflammatory effects. Green lipped mussels are naturally rich in fatty acids. In fact, there are 90 different fatty acids in green lipped mussels! But the most abundant are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid). These are two important fatty acids that are known to reduce inflammation.

Of course, EPA and DHA are found in fish and marine oils but unlike fish oils, growing and harvesting green lipped mussels is ocean friendly. They’re a sustainable source of fatty acids too. Not all green lipped mussel powders contain those fatty acids so make sure you ask for a nutritional analysis. The green lipped mussels should contain at least 6% fatty acids. Without these critical fats, your dog’s green lipped mussels will be virtually useless. Green lipped mussels are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Some of my favourite arthritis products that contain Green lipped mussels:

1. 4Cyte

  • Joint support supplement for dogs

  • Unique combination of ingredients - Epiitalis plant extract combined with marine concentrates

  • Targets the chemicals responsible for inflammation and impairing joint function

  • Reduces pain and inflammation, increases joint mobility

  • Stimulates regeneration of new cartilage cells

  • Palatable granules which can be added to the food

  • Recommended by veterinarians

  • Safe for long term can be used safely with other medications

2. Glyde mobility

  • Contains New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel, Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

  • Reduces pain and inflammation, increases joint mobility

  • Stimulates synthesis of new cartilage

  • Tasty bite sized chews

  • Highly palatable, gluten free, all natural ingredients

  • Recommended by veterinarians

  • Safe for long term use

3. PAWs Blackmores Oesteosupport

  • Proven to provide relief from arthritis symptoms

  • Can be given as a capsule or sprinkled on food

  • Safe for long term use

4. Sasha’s blend

  • Reduces pain and inflammation

  • Protects joint cartilage from degradation

  • Increases joint mobility

  • Safe for long term use

If you would like to discuss arthritis treatment or prevention for your dog, please get in touch. I can also order in supplements if required.

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